The Story of Saint Joan of Arc

An Epic Poem by

Ben D. Kennedy

Reviewed by Virginia Lindsley Frohlick


Upon receiving this book, so kindly given to me by the author, I quickly devoured it in one sitting.

I was impressed by his clever English prose that was able to combine actual historical fact and the words spoken by Joan herself.

The poet created this fine work, his labor of love; to honor the name and memory of God's warrior angel who came to save her people from England's crushing hand.

What amazes me, after some 50 years of devotion to our mutual friend Saint Joan, is that we, all of us who honor and love her, continue to speak about this servant of God!

This audacious soul, who some 595 years ago said "YES" to God's plan for her life and in so doing saved her people but more importantly for us her CHILDREN, she has inspired countless men and women to seek God's will for their own life as well.

I cannot think of a better way to end this review than to quote Mr. Kennedy's last stanza of his epic poem:

Thank you, dear maid, for teaching me

God's truths that can often be so difficult to see.

You showed through your life how to serve

Him best, in a World so full of treachery.

For all of this and all that you still are,

I will love you forever and for all eternity.