A Thesis regarding Saint Marghareta Of Antioch – Russell Phillips

Saint Marghareta Of Antioch is the Patron Saint of Childbirth, because the Legend that surrounds her recounts, that because she was so filled with love for Jesus, she refused to convert from her religion, and as a result was imprisoned.

During her sojourn in prison, a Dragon came to devour her, and she was eaten alive together with the Cross that she held in her hand. Whilst in the Dragon’s stomach, her Cross grew in size, and ripped open the Dragon’s gut through which she was expelled.

She is thus because of this tradition, invoked when difficult childbirth is experienced.

She likewise cheated death several times at the hands of her accusers and captors, and was eventually beheaded, and her last words were ; ‘All those who tell my story shall earn themselves a Crown Of Glory’.

Her claim to fame however is not from her Legend, but rather as one of two physical, celestial guides and counsels, that had the responsibility of directing Joan of Arc, who is the youngest and most famous Army Commander in Chief, in History.

Joan of Arc is most renown and famous for her visions, and these were deliberately ignored and left undealt with at her ‘Trial Of Nullification’, on the 7th. June. 1456.

The ‘Concluding Document’ of ‘The Trial Of Nullification’ states ; ‘And because on the question of revelations, it is most difficult to furnish a certain judgement, the blessed Paul having on the subject of his own revelations said, that he know not if they came to him in body or in spirt, and having on this point referred himself to God’.


I Russell Leslie Phillips Of Safed, do hereby by this Thesis declare, that I am at the very least a witness to, and at the very best the validation of, Joan of Arc’s visions, by virtue of my two other Copyrighted Theses ;

‘The Phillips Fine Gold Thesis’, introduced by Marcia Quinn Noren, together with a message from the author, and ‘The Smell Of Saint Catherine Of Alexandria’ .



I do hereby therefore declare that these two aforementioned Theses bear witness to the truth of Saint Marghareta Of Antioch’s presence as one of two of Saint Joan of Arc’s heavenly guides, and counsels.

I have in my capacity as a Diamond Grader created the ‘Phillips-Frohlick St.Joan Of Arc + Jhesus + Maria + Replacement Ring’, and the ‘Mystical Marriage Ring Of Saint Catherine Of Alexandria’, for both of those aforementioned Saints, and would now like to create a piece of Jewelry for Saint Marghareta Of Antioch.

Saint Marghareta Of Antioch always appears in Christian iconography alongside Saint Catherine Of Alexandria.

Saint Catherine Of Alexandria is famous for revealing to Joan Of Arc the location of Charles Martel’s Sword. The sword was described at Joan of Arc’s ‘Trial Of Condemnation’ as having ‘five crosses on it’, and it is in my humble opinion , together with the Editor ; T. Douglas Murray, published by William Heinemann of London of the 1903 edition of ‘The Trial Of Condemnation’, that these five crosses were in fact the ‘Jerusalem Cross’.


There is in the Jewelry world a piece referred to as the ‘Gates Of Jerusalem, Jerusalem Cross’, which is the ‘Jerusalem Cross’ that opens up into a pendant that is larger in size, and I would like to dedicate it to Saint Marghareta Of Antioch, whose Cross also grew in size to release her , from her being ingested by the Dragon.

Russell Leslie Phillips, Diamond Grader.

Safed, Upper Galilee, Israel. Yom Kippur 2016.

Copyright Application : 1-4071826811 12th. October. 2016