The Saint Joan CD-ROM



"Encyclopedia Jehannica"

contains NINE sections. The first two sections combined contain over 800 black and white as well as 1,400 color images!

  1. Gallery- this section has 353 black and white and 797 color images of paintings, drawings and statues, on the subject of Saint Joan that were created from 1436 to 2005. Although this section contains the images that are found on my web site, the resolution of the images on this CD is better than what can be seen on my web site. (I had made the web site images smaller to speed up the download time.) In addition it includes HUNDREDS of images that are not found on my web site. Click here to see the different parts to this section: Table of contents

  3. Photos-Is a virtual tour of the various places and things that are associated with Saint Joan's life. This section contains 459 black and white and 732 color images, 101 maps, 33 diagrams, 11 models, 66 authentic Coat of Arms, and 21 historic signatures. It includes better resolution of all the images on my web site plus many more new images. Click here to see the different parts to this section: Table of contents 

  5. Novel - this section contains my novel "Jeanne! God's Holy Warrior." Each chapter contains a large number of illustrations to help bring alive the events being described. In addition at the end of the novel there are 14 Appendices that will give even more historical information for the reader to consider.

Here are two chapters from my novel for you to sample: Chapter 1 and Chapter 8

Click here to see the different parts to this section: Table of contents


4. Printable version of my novel. I have provided a way to print out my novel in its entirety without any of the illustrations to encumber the text. This will allow people, who like to read the book away from the computer, in the comfort of their easy chair, to do so. The table of contents is the same as the above section, except there are no appendices.


I have added the following 5 sections from my web site to this CD because I wanted this information to be readily available to those who love Saint Joan without the 'hassle' of downloading it from my web site. 

5. Trial of Condemnation - this section contains the English translation of Joan's Rouen's trial. This information can be found on my web site. Click here to see the different parts to this section: Trial of Condemnation


  1. Trial of Nullification- this section contains the English translation of Joan's Rouen's trial. This information can be found on my web site. Click here to see the different parts to this section: Trial of Nullification

  3. Prayers - this section contains many different prayers as well as a Mass in honor of Saint Joan in Latin and English. This information can be found on my web site.

  5. Poems - this section contains 16 different poems including the two poems by Saint Therese of Lisieux. This information can be found on my web site.

  7. Music - this section has two samples of Joan related music from a musical CD. This information can be found on my web site.

My Saint Joan CD-ROM is a standard ISO 9660 that can be read on any PC, Windows, Macs and Linux. It needs a web browser that supports frames, which is true of any current web browser: Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Firefox, Mozilla and AOL.

The entire CD is written using relatively simple HTML. All the images are in 'JPG' format.

I have been working on my Saint Joan novel for exactly THIRTY YEARS. I started writing it in August of 1975 and I completed my revisions to the original manuscript in August, 2005.

Back in 1975 I bought the historical novel BLOOD RED SISTER ROSE. I was able to read only the first few pages, when my blood started to boil at what this author was saying about MY friend, Saint Joan! Thumbing through some more of this book convinced me that it was an 'evil distortion' of Saint Joan's life.

I was so horrified by this book that I asked GOD to give me the grace and ability to write a historical novel that would bring HONOR and GLORY to HIS NAME as well as HIS daughter Saint Joan!

My labor of love took me thirty years because I have severe dyslexia and I needed the help of many different people to get the novel to the point where I felt satisfied with it.

I am eternally grateful to each and every one who has in some way helped me to accomplish my quest.

Without my dear and good friend, Carlyn Iuzzolino, I would still be working on my novel! THANK YOU, Carlyn, for your loving and patient help! She is good at what I can't do, namely grammar, spelling and the clarification of my ideas. She has said that she could never write a novel but she can fix what I have written. Together we make one complete AUTHOR! J

Carlyn, seeing my great devotion to Saint Joan, suggested that I start a web site in honor of her. I told her that I knew NOTHING about computers or web sites. She told me not to worry about that because she could take care of this part.

My Saint Joan web site was established in November of 1996. It has grown ever since to become the largest web site on the subject of Saint Joan in the world!

Back in 1996 I felt that my novel was completed and so I contacted twenty different publishers. I would always get the same response - "THANKS, BUT NO THANKS!" I was devastated to say the least.

Carlyn suggested that I publish my novel myself! At first I looked into having my book printed up by some small printing company but this proved to be too expensive and I would have the problem of where to store the books and how to advertise them.

Originally I wanted my book to include color photos as well as all sorts of black and white diagrams and maps. But I was quickly brought back to reality when I found out just how expensive all this would be. Even printing a text only book was too expensive. OUCH!

This is when my friend suggested that I try creating a CD-ROM. A book in HTML format could have as many color photos and other images that my heart could ever desire and it would not cost me any more money. HURRAY!!!!!!! And so with renewed gusto, I started working on this next stage of development. I have worked for the past nine years on my Saint Joan CD-ROM and it has grown and developed into the creation that it is today.


"Virginia Frohlick's work on Joan of Arc is unparalleled. She combines profound devotion to the subject with her keen desire for exactitude. She is a model researcher who generously shares her life's work with every interested person. We are so lucky to have her!"

Professor Bonnie Wheeler: English and Medieval Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas


"I have read Virginia's historical novel in CD ROM form. It is a marvelous book which highlights the life of a true Saint and model for the young people of our time. It is written in such a way so as to transport the reader back into the history via reminiscences of those who were there. I think she has done well in capturing their feelings and words. It is Virginia's Opus Dei and Magnum Opus. I consider it a fine addition to any collection. I highly recommend this tome to anyone, but especially to the young so that they may find a real person to emulate." Richard Boisvert of Virginia


"Thank you very much for the CD ROM on the Encyclopedia Jehannica. I truly believe you've done a wonderful job and service to all people who have admiration and respect for Saint Joan of Arc. I found your work to be extremely interesting and thorough." Mr. J. J. Alva, MD of North Carolina.


"With great pleasure I saw your CD-ROM about Saint Joan of Arc. I'm very contented with it because it is very exciting and full of interesting information. Thank you very much for this CD-ROM. Pascal Cloidt of Essen, Germany.


"I received your Joan of Arc CD-ROM as a Christmas present and just wanted to tell you how much I like it. I love looking at all the photos, as it is my dream to go to France someday and see all the Joan of Arc sites, but I am a junior in high school right now and won't be able to go for a couple years. Looking at all those pictures is just like taking a virtual trip to France. I especially like looking at pictures of her hometown. I also love all the prayers and poems, and look forward to reading your novel." Kathryn Bonica, USA.