The Maid in New Orleans

John M. Craven, a resident of the Great City of New Orleans, photographed the following images. These images are

COPYRIGHTED and are the property of Mr. Craven. (used with permission)

Mr. Craven is capable of reproducing any and all of these images to whatever size you may desire. If you are interested in purchasing these images from him please contact him directly either by regular mail:

Mr. John M. Craven
6727 Colbert St.
New Orleans, Louisiana

or by his e-mail address:

This is what John as to say about the sites he has photographed.

The church of Saint Joan of Arc is located at the corner of Burthe and Cambronne in uptown New Orleans, near the intersection of St. Charles Avenue and Carrollton Avenue and River Road, which runs alongside the mighty Mississippi River. The church was erected in 1923 by the order of "Josephites."

The people of France gave the golden bronze statue of Joan of Arc to the City of New Orleans in 1972. (Note: This statue is an exact copy of the famous 1880 Emmanuel Fremiet equestrian statue of Joan located at Place des Pyramides, Paris.) This statue was originally located in front of the International Trade Mart building but it was moved in 1999 to its present location of the 'Place De France" on Decatur Street in the French Quarter next to the French Market on Decatur Street.

The inscription on the pedestal of St. Joan's statue reads as follows:



1412 - 1431

Gift of the People of France

Information About The Statue: "Maid of Orleans"


From: Genesis, Vol. XL, No. 160.


This lovely statue of the "Maid of Orleans" is now in her new place of honor -- the corner of St. Philip and Decatur Streets. Many years ago, this place was the site of the fruit complex of the French Market and an important section of New Orleans.


The statue was a gift from the people of France. It was sent to New Orleans in 1958 by Robert Whyte of the World House in New York and is a replica of the one in Place des Pyramids in Paris.


When the statue arrived in the city, the city could not afford the $35,000 price tag to erect it. It therefore was stored for eight years.


In 1960, Charles DeGaulle, the President of France, visited our city and enjoyed it immensely. On his return to France, hefound citizens in four cities in France and New Orleans who would invest in a fund to erect the statue. In 1972, it was placed on a 17-foot pedestal on the Place de France at the foot of Canal Street. The statue was gilded in 1985.


Unfortunately, with the building of the Casino, Joan of Arc had to be relocated. She will now be permanently located in the French Quarter, glistening in the sunlight for everyone to admire.


Lola L. Maduell

Information about the Cathedral of Saint Louis' statue of Saint Joan.

It was donated to the Cathedral by "The Sodality of Saint Joan of Arc" in 1920.

The inscription on the base of the statue is in French

"Donnés par sodazité de Ste. Jeanne D' Arc 1920"